Saturday, January 23, 2016

Day 23

Leviticus 5; Leviticus 6; Leviticus 7; Leviticus 8

The people are to confess and make amends for their sins—Forgiveness comes through a trespass offering—Priests thereby make an atonement for sin. The people must first make restitution for sin, then offer a trespass offering, and thereby gain forgiveness through atonement made by the priests. Laws governing various sacrifices are listed—The children of Israel are forbidden to eat fat or blood—They worship by sacrifice—Through sacrifice they gain forgiveness, make vows, consecrate their property, render thanks, and are reconciled to God. Aaron and his sons are washed, anointed, clothed in their priesthood robes, and consecrated before all Israel—Moses and Aaron offer sacrifices to make reconciliation and atonement with the Lord.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Day 22

Exodus 39; Exodus 40; Leviticus 1; Leviticus 2; Leviticus 3; Leviticus 4

Holy garments are made for Aaron and the priests—The breastplate is made—The tabernacle of the congregation is finished—Moses blesses the people. The tabernacle is reared—Aaron and his sons are washed and anointed and given an everlasting priesthood—The glory of the Lord fills the tabernacle—A cloud covers the tabernacle by day, and fire rests on it by night. Animals without blemish are sacrificed as an atonement for sins—Burnt offerings are a sweet savor unto the Lord. How offerings of flour with oil and incense are made. Peace offerings are made with animals without blemish, whose blood is sprinkled on the altar—Israel is forbidden to eat fat or blood. Sinners are forgiven through sin offerings of animals without blemish—Priests thereby make an atonement for the sins of the people.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Day 21

Exodus 35; Exodus 36; Exodus 37; Exodus 38; Exodus 39

Israel is admonished to observe the Sabbath—Free gifts are offered for the tabernacle—The calls and inspiration of certain artisans are confirmed. Wise-hearted men are chosen to work on the tabernacle—Moses restrains the people from donating any more material. Bezaleel makes the ark, the mercy seat, and the cherubims—He makes the table, the vessels, the candlestick, the incense altar, the holy anointing oil, and the sweet incense. Bezaleel and others make the altar of burnt offerings and all things pertaining to the tabernacle—Offerings are made by 603,550 men. Holy garments are made for Aaron and the priests—The breastplate is made—The tabernacle of the congregation is finished—Moses blesses the people.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Old Testament quoted in the New Testament

Exodus 32:1 is quoted in Acts 7:40
Exodus 32:6 is quoted in 1 Corinthians 10:7
Exodus 33:19 is quoted in Romans 9:15
Exodus 34:33 is quoted in 2 Corinthians 3:13

Day 20

Exodus 32; Exodus 33; Exodus 34; Exodus 35

Aaron makes a golden calf, which Israel worships—Moses serves as a mediator between God and rebellious Israel—Moses breaks the tablets of stone—The Levites slay about 3,000 rebels—Moses pleads and intercedes for the people. The Lord promises to be with Israel and drive out the people of the land—The tabernacle of the congregation is moved away from the camp—The Lord speaks to Moses face to face in the tabernacle—Later, Moses sees the glory of God but not his face. Moses hews new tables of stone—He goes up into Mount Sinai for forty days—The Lord proclaims his name and attributes and reveals his law—He makes another covenant with Israel—The skin of Moses’ face shines, and he wears a veil. Israel is admonished to observe the Sabbath—Free gifts are offered for the tabernacle—The calls and inspiration of certain artisans are confirmed.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Day 19

Exodus 28; Exodus 29; Exodus 30; Exodus 31

Aaron and his sons are to be consecrated and anointed to minister in the priest’s office—Aaron’s garments are to include a breastplate, an ephod, a robe, a coat, a miter, and a girdle—The breastplate of judgment is to contain twelve precious stones with the names of the tribes of Israel thereon—The Urim and Thummim are to be carried in the breastplate. Aaron and his sons are to be washed, anointed, and consecrated—Various sacrificial rites are to be performed—Atonement is to be made for the sins of the people—The Lord promises to dwell among them. An altar of incense is to be placed before the veil—Atonement is to be made with the blood of the sin offering—Atonement money is to be paid to ransom each male—Priests are to use holy anointing oil and perfume. Artisans are inspired in building and furnishing the tabernacle—Israel is commanded to keep the Lord’s Sabbaths—The death penalty is decreed for Sabbath desecration—Moses receives the stone tablets.

Monday, January 18, 2016

The Old Testament quoted in the New Testament

Exodus 25:40 is quoted in Hebrews  8:5

Day 18

Exodus 25; Exodus 26; Exodus 27; Exodus 28

Israel is commanded to donate property and build a tabernacle, the ark of testimony (with the mercy seat and cherubims), a table (for the shewbread), and the candlestick, all according to patterns shown to Moses on the mount. The tabernacle is to be built with ten curtains and with boards—A veil is to separate the holy place from the most holy place—The ark of testimony (with the mercy seat) is to be put in the most holy place. The tabernacle is to contain an altar for burnt offerings and a court surrounded by pillars—A light is to burn always in the tabernacle of the congregation. Aaron and his sons are to be consecrated and anointed to minister in the priest’s office—Aaron’s garments are to include a breastplate, an ephod, a robe, a coat, a miter, and a girdle—The breastplate of judgment is to contain twelve precious stones with the names of the tribes of Israel thereon—The Urim and Thummim are to be carried in the breastplate.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Old Testament quoted in the New Testament

Exodus 21:17 is quoted in Matthew 15:4 and Mark 7:10
Exodus 21:24 is quoted in Matthew 5:38
Exodus 22:28 is quoted in Acts 23:5
Exodus 24:8 is quoted in Hebrews 9:19-20

Day 17

Exodus 20; Exodus 21; Exodus 22; Exodus 23; Exodus 24 

The Lord reveals the Ten Commandments—Israel is to bear witness that the Lord has spoken from heaven—The children of Israel are forbidden to make gods of silver and gold—They are to make altars of unhewn stones and sacrifice to the Lord thereon.  The Lord reveals his laws pertaining to servants, plural marriage, the death penalty for various offenses, the giving of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, and the damage done by oxen.  The Lord reveals his laws pertaining to stealing, destructions by fire, care of the property of others, borrowing, lascivious acts, sacrifices to false gods, afflicting widows, usury, reviling God, and the firstborn of men and of animals—The men of Israel are commanded to be holy.  The Lord reveals his laws pertaining to integrity and godly conduct—The land is to rest during a sabbatical year—The children of Israel are to keep three annual feasts—An angel, bearing the Lord’s name, will guide them—Sickness will be removed—The nations of Canaan will be driven out gradually.  Israel accepts the word of the Lord by covenant—Moses sprinkles the blood of the covenant—He, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel see God—The Lord calls Moses on to the mount to receive the tables of stone and commandments.