Thursday, July 7, 2016

Day 189

Luke 4 Luke 5 Luke 6

Jesus fasts forty days and is tempted by the devil—Jesus announces His divine sonship in Nazareth and is rejected—He casts out a devil in Capernaum, heals Peter’s mother-in-law, and preaches and heals throughout Galilee. Peter, the fisherman, is called to catch men—Jesus heals a leper—He forgives sins and heals a paralytic—Matthew is called—The sick need a physician—New wine must be put in new bottles. Jesus heals on the Sabbath—He chooses the Twelve Apostles—He pronounces blessings upon the obedient and woes upon the wicked. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Day 188

Gabriel promises Zacharias that Elisabeth will bear a son, whom they will name John—He also tells Mary that she will be the mother of the Son of God—Mary visits Elisabeth and utters a psalm of praise—John the Baptist is born—Zacharias prophesies of John’s mission. Heavenly messengers herald the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem—He is circumcised, and Simeon and Anna prophesy of His mission—At twelve years of age, He goes about His Father’s business. John the Baptist preaches and baptizes—Jesus is baptized, and God acclaims Him as His Son—Jesus’ genealogy back to Adam is given.


Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Day 187

Pilate decrees the death of Jesus—Jesus is mocked and crucified between two thieves—He dies and is buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathæa.  Christ is risen—He appears to Mary Magdalene, then to others—He sends the Apostles to preach and promises that signs will follow faith—He ascends into heaven.


Monday, July 4, 2016

Day 186

Jesus rides into Jerusalem amid shouts of hosanna—He curses a fig tree, drives the money changers from the temple, and confounds the scribes on the matter of authority.  Jesus gives the parable of the wicked husbandmen—He speaks of paying taxes, celestial marriage, the two great commandments, the divine sonship of Christ, and the widow’s mites.  Jesus tells of the calamities and signs preceding the Second Coming—There will be false Christs and false prophets—He gives the parable of the fig tree.  Jesus is anointed with oil—He eats the Passover, institutes the sacrament, suffers in Gethsemane, and is betrayed by Judas—Jesus is falsely accused, and Peter denies that he knows Him.


Sunday, July 3, 2016

Day 185

Jesus reproves the Pharisees for their false traditions and ceremonies—He casts a devil out of the daughter of a Greek woman—He opens the ears and loosens the tongue of a person with an impediment.  Jesus feeds the four thousand—He counsels, Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees—He heals a blind man in Bethsaida—Peter testifies that Jesus is the Christ.  Jesus is transfigured on the mountain—He casts out an unclean spirit—He teaches concerning His death and resurrection, who will be greatest, and the condemnation of those who offend His little ones.  Jesus teaches the higher law of marriage—He blesses little children—Jesus counsels the rich young man, foretells His own death, and heals blind Bartimæus.


Saturday, July 2, 2016

Day 184

Jesus gives the parables of the sower, the candle under a bushel, the seed growing secretly, and the mustard seed—He stills the tempest.  Jesus casts out a legion of devils, who then enter the swine—A woman is healed by touching Jesus’ clothes—He raises Jairus’s daughter from the dead.  Jesus sends forth the Twelve—John the Baptist is beheaded by Herod—Our Lord feeds the five thousand, walks on the water, and heals multitudes.


Friday, July 1, 2016

Day 183

Jesus is baptized by John—He preaches the gospel, calls disciples, casts out devils, heals the sick, and cleanses a leper.  Jesus forgives sins, heals a paralytic, eats with tax gatherers and sinners, and announces that He is Lord of the Sabbath.  Jesus heals on the Sabbath day—He chooses and ordains the Twelve Apostles—He asks, Can Satan cast out Satan?—Jesus speaks of blasphemy against the Holy Ghost and identifies those who believe as being members of His family.


Thursday, June 30, 2016

Day 182

Matthew 26; Matthew 27; Matthew 28

Jesus is anointed. He keeps the Passover and institutes the sacrament. He suffers in Gethsemane, is betrayed by Judas, and is taken before Caiaphas. Peter denies that he knows Jesus. Jesus is accused and condemned before Pilate. Barabbas is released. Jesus is mocked, crucified, and buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathæa. Christ the Lord is risen. He appears to many. He has all power in heaven and earth. He sends the Apostles to teach and baptize all nations.


Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Day 152

Ezekiel 1; Ezekiel 2; Ezekiel 3; Ezekiel 4; Ezekiel 5; Ezekiel 6; Ezekiel 7

Ezekiel sees in vision four living creatures, four wheels, and the glory of God on his throne. Ezekiel is called to take the word of the Lord to Israel. He sees a book in which lamentations and mourning are written. Ezekiel is made a watchman unto the house of Israel. The blood of Israel is required at his hand unless he raises the warning voice. Ezekiel symbolically illustrates the siege and famine that will befall Jerusalem. The judgment of Jerusalem will include famine, pestilence, war, and the scattering of her inhabitants. The people of Israel will be destroyed for their idolatry. A remnant only will be saved and scattered. Desolation, war, pestilence, and destruction will sweep the land of Israel. The desolation of the people is foreseen.


Monday, May 30, 2016

Day 151

Lamentations 2; Lamentations 3; Lamentations 4; Lamentations 5

Misery, sorrow, and desolation prevail in Jerusalem. Jeremiah, speaking for Judah, laments the calamity but trusts in the Lord and prays for deliverance. The condition of Zion is pitiful because of sin and iniquity. Jeremiah recites in prayer the sorrowful condition of Zion. 


Sunday, May 29, 2016

Day 150

Jeremiah 51; Jeremiah 52; Lamentations 1

Judgment, destruction, and desolation will come upon Babylon for her sins. Israel is commanded, Flee from Babylon. Israel is the Lord’s rod to destroy all kingdoms. Jerusalem is besieged and taken by the Chaldeans. Many people and the vessels of the house of the Lord are carried into Babylon. Jeremiah laments the miserable condition of Jerusalem. Jerusalem herself complains of her deep sorrow. 


Saturday, May 28, 2016

Day 149

Jeremiah 47; Jeremiah 48; Jeremiah 48; Jeremiah 49; Jeremiah 50

Jeremiah foretells desolation and destruction upon the Philistines. Judgment and destruction will come upon the Moabites for their contempt of God. Judgment and destruction will come upon the people of Ammon, Edom, Kedar, Hazor, and Elam. Babylon will be destroyed and never rise again. The scattered people of Israel will be brought again into the lands of their inheritance. 


Friday, May 27, 2016

Day 148

Jeremiah 41; Jeremiah 42; Jeremiah 43; Jeremiah 44; Jeremiah 45; Jeremiah 46

Ishmael kills Gedaliah and carries the people of Mizpah captive. They are rescued by Johanan. Jeremiah promises Johanan and the remnant of Judah peace and safety if they remain in Judah, but the sword, famine, and pestilence if they go to Egypt. Johanan carries Jeremiah and the remnant of Judah into Egypt. Jeremiah prophesies that Babylon will conquer Egypt. Jeremiah prophesies that the Jews in Egypt, save a small remnant, will be destroyed because they worship false gods. Jeremiah promises Baruch that his life will be preserved. Jeremiah prophesies the conquest of Egypt by Babylon. Jacob will be saved and will return to his own land. 


Thursday, May 26, 2016

Day 147

Jeremiah 36; Jeremiah 37; Jeremiah 38; Jeremiah 39; Jeremiah 40

Baruch writes the prophecies of Jeremiah and reads them in the house of the Lord. Jehoiakim, the king, burns the book, and judgment comes upon him. Jeremiah dictates the prophecies again and adds many more. Jeremiah prophesies that Egypt will not save Judah from Babylon. He is cast into a dungeon. Zedekiah transfers him to the court of the prison. The rulers cast Jeremiah into a muddy dungeon. He is freed by Ebed-melech, an Ethiopian, and put in the court of the prison. He counsels Zedekiah concerning the war. Jerusalem is taken, and the people are taken captive. Jeremiah and Ebed-melech, the Ethiopian, are preserved. The king of Babylon makes Gedaliah governor over the remnant left in Judah. Jeremiah is freed and dwells among them. 


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Day 146

Jeremiah 32; Jeremiah 33; Jeremiah 34; Jeremiah 35

Jeremiah is imprisoned by Zedekiah. The prophet purchases land to symbolize the return of Israel to their land. The Lord will gather Israel and make an everlasting covenant with them. Judah and Israel will be gathered. The Branch of Righteousness (Christ) is promised. The Seed of David (Christ) will reign forever. Jeremiah prophesies the captivity of Zedekiah. The people of Judah will be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth. The Rechabites are commended and blessed for their obedience. They are given a new commandment. 


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Day 145

Jeremiah 27; Jeremiah 28; Jeremiah 29; Jeremiah 30; Jeremiah 31

The Lord sends word to many nations that they are to serve Babylon. The vessels of the Lord’s house will go into Babylon. Hananiah prophesies falsely that the Babylonian yoke will be broken. Jeremiah tells the Jews in Babylon to prepare for seventy years of captivity. Those remaining in Jerusalem will yet be scattered. Shemaiah prophesies falsely and is cursed. In the last days, Judah and Israel will be gathered to their own lands. David, their king (Christ), will reign over them. In the last days, Israel will be gathered. Ephraim has the birthright as the firstborn. The Lord will make a new covenant with Israel, to be inscribed in the heart. Then all Israel will know the Lord.


Monday, May 23, 2016

Day 144

Jeremiah 23; Jeremiah 24; Jeremiah 25; Jeremiah 26

The remnants of Israel will be gathered in the last days. The Branch, who is the King (the Messiah), will reign in righteousness. False prophets who teach lies will be cursed. Zedekiah and the people of Judah will be cursed and scattered. Some will be gathered back from Chaldea to serve the Lord. Captive Judah will serve Babylon for seventy years. Various nations will be overthrown. In the last days, all the inhabitants of the earth will be at war. Jeremiah prophesies the destruction of the people. For this he is arraigned, tried, and then acquitted. 


Sunday, May 22, 2016

Day 143

Jeremiah 18; Jeremiah 19; Jeremiah 20; Jeremiah 21; Jeremiah 22

Israel is as potter’s clay in the hands of the Lord. If nations repent, the Lord withholds the evil decreed against them. The people of Judah will be scattered. The Lord will bring evil upon Judah. They sacrifice their children to Baal. In the siege they will eat the flesh of their sons and daughters. Jeremiah is smitten and put in the stocks. He prophesies that all Judah will be taken captive by Babylon. Jeremiah foretells the siege, captivity, and destruction of Jerusalem. Zedekiah is to be taken captive by Nebuchadrezzar. David’s throne stands or falls according to the obedience of the kings. The judgments of the Lord rest upon the kings of Judah. 


Saturday, May 21, 2016

Day 142

Jeremiah 13; Jeremiah 14; Jeremiah 15; Jeremiah 16; Jeremiah 17

Israel and Judah will be as a rotted and decayed belt. The people are commanded to repent. Judah will be taken captive and scattered as stubble. Jeremiah prays because of dearth and famine. The Lord will not hear because of the wickedness of his people. The people of Judah will suffer death, the sword, famine, and captivity. They will be scattered into all the kingdoms of the earth. Jerusalem will be destroyed. The utter ruin of Judah is foreseen. Israel is rejected and scattered for serving false gods. Fishers and hunters will gather Israel again, and the people will serve the Lord. The gospel is to be restored for the last time. The captivity of Judah comes because of sin and forsaking the Lord. Hallow the Sabbath day; doing so will save the people; otherwise they will be destroyed. 


Friday, May 20, 2016

Day 141

Jeremiah 8; Jeremiah 9; Jeremiah 10; Jeremiah 11; Jeremiah 12

Calamities will befall the inhabitants of Jerusalem. For them the harvest is past, the summer is ended, and they are not saved. Jeremiah sorrows greatly because of the sins of the people. They will be scattered among the nations and punished. Learn not the way of other nations. Their gods are idols and molten images. The Lord is the true and living God. The people of Judah are cursed for breaking the covenant of obedience. The Lord will not hear their prayers. Jeremiah complains of the prosperity of the wicked. If other nations learn the ways of Israel, they will be numbered with Israel. 


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Day 140

Jeremiah 3; Jeremiah 4; Jeremiah 5; Jeremiah 6; Jeremiah 7

Israel and Judah defiled and polluted the land through wickedness. In the last days, the Lord will gather the people of Israel, one from a city and two from a family, and bring them to Zion. Israel and Judah are called to repentance. Jeremiah laments for the miseries of Judah. Judgments will be poured out upon the people of Judah because of their sins. Their iniquities cause blessings to be withheld from them. Jerusalem will be destroyed because of her iniquity. She will be overrun by a great and cruel nation. If the people of Judah repent, they will be preserved. The temple has become a den of robbers. The Lord rejects that generation of the people of Judah for their idolatries. They offer their children as sacrifices.


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Day 139

Isaiah 65; Isaiah 66; Jeremiah 1; Jeremiah 2

Ancient Israel was rejected for rejecting the Lord. The Lord’s people will rejoice and triumph during the Millennium. At the Second Coming, Israel, as a nation, will be born in a day; the wicked will be destroyed; and the Gentiles will hear the gospel. Jeremiah was foreordained to be a prophet unto the nations. He is called as a mortal to declare the word of the Lord. The people of Judah forsook the Lord, the fountain of living waters. They worshiped idols and rejected the prophets.


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Day 138

Isaiah 60; Isaiah 61; Isaiah 62; Isaiah 63; Isaiah 64

In the last days, Israel will rise again as a mighty nation. The gentile peoples will join with and serve Israel. Zion will be established. Finally, Israel will dwell in celestial splendor. Isaiah speaks about the Messiah. The Messiah will have the Spirit, preach the gospel, and proclaim liberty. In the last days, the Lord will call his ministers and make an everlasting covenant with the people. In the last days, Israel will be gathered. Zion will be established. Her watchmen will teach about the Lord. The gospel standard will be lifted up. The people will be called holy, the redeemed of the Lord. The Second Coming will be a day of vengeance and also the year of the redeemed of the Lord. Then the Saints will praise the Lord and acknowledge him as their father. The people of the Lord pray for the Second Coming and for the salvation that will then be theirs.


Monday, May 16, 2016

Day 137

Isaiah 53; Isaiah 54; Isaiah 55; Isaiah 56; Isaiah 57; Isaiah 58; Isaiah 59

Isaiah speaks about the Messiah. His humiliation and sufferings are described. He makes his soul an offering for sin and makes intercession for the transgressors (compare Mosiah 14.) In the last days, Zion and her stakes will be established, and Israel will be gathered in mercy and tenderness. Israel will triumph (compare 3 Nephi 22.) Come and drink; salvation is free. The Lord will make an everlasting covenant with Israel. Seek the Lord while he is near. All who keep the commandments will be exalted. Other people will join Israel. The Lord will gather others to the house of Israel. When the righteous die, they enter into peace. Mercy is promised to the penitent. There is no peace for the wicked. The true law of the fast and its blessings are defined. The commandment to keep the Sabbath is given. The people of Israel are separated from their God by iniquity. Their sins testify against them. The Messiah will intercede, come to Zion, and redeem the repentant.


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Day 136

Isaiah 48; Isaiah 49; Isaiah 50; Isaiah 51; Isaiah 52

The Lord reveals his purposes to Israel. Israel has been chosen in the furnace of affliction and is to depart from Babylon. The Messiah will be a light to the Gentiles and will free the prisoners. Israel will be gathered with power in the last days. Kings will be the nursing fathers of Israel. Isaiah speaks as the Messiah. He will have the tongue of the learned. He will give his back to the smiters. He will not be confounded. In the last days, the Lord will comfort Zion and gather Israel. The redeemed will come to Zion amid great joy. In the last days, Zion will return, and Israel will be redeemed. The Messiah will deal prudently and be exalted. Compare 1 Nephi 20-21 and 2 Nephi 7-8


Saturday, May 14, 2016

Day 135

Isaiah 42; Isaiah 43; Isaiah 44; Isaiah 45; Isaiah 46; Isaiah 47

Isaiah speaks about the Messiah. The Lord will bring his law and his justice, be a light to the Gentiles, and free the prisoners. Praise the Lord. To Israel the Lord says, I am your God; I will gather your descendants; beside me there is no Savior; you are my witnesses. The Lord’s Spirit will be poured out on the descendants of Israel. Idols of wood are as fuel for a fire. The Lord will gather, bless, and redeem Israel and rebuild Jerusalem. Cyrus will free the captives of Israel from Babylon. Come unto Jehovah (Christ) and be saved. To him every knee will bow and every tongue will take an oath. Idols are not to be compared with the Lord. He alone is God and will save Israel. Babylon and Chaldea will be destroyed for their iniquities. No one will save them.


Friday, May 13, 2016

Day 134

Isaiah 37; Isaiah 38; Isaiah 39; Isaiah 40; Isaiah 41

Hezekiah seeks counsel from Isaiah to save Jerusalem. Isaiah prophesies the defeat of the Assyrians and the death of Sennacherib. Hezekiah prays for deliverance. Sennacherib sends a blasphemous letter. Isaiah prophesies that the Assyrians will be destroyed and that a remnant of Judah will flourish. An angel slays 185,000 Assyrians. Sennacherib is slain by his sons. Hezekiah’s life is lengthened fifteen years. The sun goes back ten degrees as a sign. Hezekiah praises and thanks the Lord. Hezekiah reveals his wealth to Babylon. Isaiah prophesies the Babylonian captivity. Isaiah speaks about the Messiah. Prepare ye the way of the Lord. He will feed his flock like a shepherd. Israel’s God is incomparably great. To Israel the Lord says, Ye are my servants; I will preserve you. Idols are nothing. One will bring good tidings to Jerusalem.


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Day 133

Isaiah 31; Isaiah 32; Isaiah 33; Isaiah 34; Isaiah 35; Isaiah 36

Israel is reproved for turning to Egypt for help. When the Lord comes, he will defend and preserve his people. A king (the Messiah) will reign in righteousness. The land of Israel will be a wilderness until the day of restoration and gathering. Apostasy and wickedness will precede the Second Coming. The Lord will come with devouring fire. Zion and its stakes will be perfected. The Lord is our Judge, Lawgiver, and King. The Second Coming will be a day of vengeance and judgment. The indignation of the Lord will be upon all nations. His sword will fall upon the world. In the day of restoration, the desert will blossom, the Lord will come, Israel will be gathered, and Zion will be built up. The Assyrians war against Judah and blaspheme the Lord.


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Day 132

Isaiah 26; Isaiah 27; Isaiah 28; Isaiah 29; Isaiah 30

Trust in the Lord forever. Jehovah will die and be resurrected. All men will rise in the Resurrection. The people of Israel will blossom and bud and fill the earth with fruit. They will be gathered one by one and will worship the Lord. Woe to the drunkards of Ephraim!. Revelation comes line upon line and precept upon precept. Christ, the sure foundation, is promised. A people (the Nephites) will speak as a voice from the dust. The Apostasy, restoration of the gospel, and coming forth of a sealed book (the Book of Mormon) are foretold (compare 2 Nephi 27.) Israel is scattered for rejecting the seers and prophets. Israel’s people will be gathered and blessed temporally and spiritually. The Lord will come in a day of apostasy to judge and destroy the wicked.


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Day 131

Isaiah 19; Isaiah 20; Isaiah 21; Isaiah 22; Isaiah 23; Isaiah 24; Isaiah 25

The Lord will smite and destroy Egypt. Finally he will heal her, and Egypt and Assyria will be blessed with Israel. Assyria will overrun Egypt and make her ashamed. Babylon is fallen, is fallen!. Other nations also are destroyed. Jerusalem will be attacked and scourged. The people will be carried captive. The Messiah will hold the key of the house of David, inherit glory, and be fastened as a nail in a sure place. Tyre will be overthrown. Men will transgress the law and break the everlasting covenant. At the Second Coming, they will be burned, the earth will reel, and the sun will be ashamed. Then the Lord will reign in Zion and in Jerusalem. In Mount Zion the Lord will prepare a gospel feast of rich food. He will swallow up death in victory. It will be said, Lo, this is our God.


Monday, May 9, 2016

Day 130

Isaiah 13; Isaiah 14; Isaiah 15; Isaiah 16; Isaiah 17; Isaiah 18

The destruction of Babylon is a type of the destruction at the Second Coming. It will be a day of wrath and vengeance. Babylon (the world) will fall forever. Israel will be gathered and enjoy millennial rest. Lucifer was cast out of heaven for rebellion. Israel will triumph over Babylon (the world). (Compare 2 Nephi 23 -24) Moab will be laid waste, and her people will howl and weep. Moab is condemned, and her people will sorrow. The Messiah will sit on David’s throne, seeking justice and hastening righteousness. Israel was scattered because she forgot God. Yet the nations that plunder her will be destroyed. The Lord will raise the gospel ensign, send messengers to his scattered people, and gather them to Mount Zion.


Sunday, May 8, 2016

Day 129

Isaiah 8; Isaiah 9; Isaiah 10; Isaiah 11; Isaiah 12

Christ will be as a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense. Seek the Lord, not muttering wizards. Turn to the law and to the testimony for guidance. Isaiah speaks about the Messiah. The people in darkness will see a great Light. Unto us a Child is born. He will be the Prince of Peace and reign on David’s throne. The destruction of Assyria is a type of the destruction of the wicked at the Second Coming. Few people will be left after the Lord comes again. The remnant of Jacob will return in that day. The stem of Jesse (Christ) will judge in righteousness. The knowledge about God will cover the earth in the Millennium. The Lord will raise an ensign and gather. In the millennial day, all men will praise the Lord. He will dwell among them. Compare 2 Nephi 18-22.


Saturday, May 7, 2016

Day 128

Isaiah 3; Isaiah 4; Isaiah 5; Isaiah 6; Isaiah 7

Judah and Jerusalem will be punished for their disobedience. The Lord pleads for and judges his people. The daughters of Zion are cursed and tormented for their worldliness. Zion and her daughters will be redeemed and cleansed in the millennial day. The Lord’s vineyard (Israel) will become desolate, and his people will be scattered. Woes will come upon them in their apostate and scattered state. The Lord will lift an ensign and gather Israel. Isaiah sees the Lord. His sins are forgiven. He is called to prophesy. He prophesies of the Jews’ rejection of Christ’s teachings. A remnant will return. Ephraim and Syria wage war against Judah. Christ will be born of a virgin.
Compare 2 Nephi 13-17.


Friday, May 6, 2016

Day 127

Solomon's Song 4; Solomon's Song 5; Solomon's Song 6; Solomon's Song 7; Solomon's Song 8 

4. A song describes the beauty of the poet’s beloved.
5. The song of love and affection continues.
6. The song of love continues.
7. The song of love continues.
8. Many waters cannot quench love.

Isaiah 1Isaiah 2

1. The people of Israel are apostate, rebellious, and corrupt; only a few remain faithful. The people’s sacrifices and feasts are rejected. They are called upon to repent and work righteousness. Zion will be redeemed in the day of restoration. 
2. Isaiah sees the latter-day temple, gathering of Israel, and millennial judgment and peace—The proud and wicked will be brought low at the Second Coming. Compare 2 Nephi 12.


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Day 126

Ecclesiastes 6; Ecclesiastes 7Ecclesiastes 8; Ecclesiastes 9; Ecclesiastes 10; Ecclesiastes 11; Ecclesiastes 12  

6. Unless a man’s soul is filled with good, his riches, wealth, honor, and posterity are vanity.
7. Wisdom gives life to them that have it—All men are sinners—God has made man upright.
8. None have power to avoid death—It will not be well with the wicked; he turns to pleasure and cannot find wisdom.
9. God’s providence rules over all—All men are subject to time and chance—Wisdom is better than strength—One sinner destroys much good.
10. A little folly destroys the reputation of the wise and honorable—The words of a wise man’s mouth are gracious—A fool is full of words.
11. Do good and give to them who need—God will bring all men to judgment.
12. At death the spirit will return to God who gave it—The words of the wise are as goads—The whole duty of man is to fear God and keep his commandments.

Solomon's Song 1Solomon's Song 2Solomon's Song 3

1. The poet sings of love and devotion.
2. Beloved ones are praised and described.
3. A love song concerning Solomon is presented.


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Day 125

Proverbs 30; Proverbs 31 

30. Every word of God is pure—Give me neither poverty nor riches.
31. Wine and strong drink are condemned—Plead the cause of the poor and needy—A virtuous woman is more precious than rubies.

Ecclesiastes 1Ecclesiastes 2Ecclesiastes 3; Ecclesiastes 4; Ecclesiastes 5

1. Everything under the sun is vanity and vexation of spirit—He who increases in knowledge increases in sorrow.
2. All the riches and wealth of the king are vanity and vexation of spirit—Wisdom is better than folly—God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy to man.
3. To every thing there is a season—Whatever God does, it will be forever—God will judge the righteous and the wicked.
4. Oppression and evil deeds are vanity—The strength of two is better than one—Better is a poor and wise child than an old and foolish king.
5. God is in heaven—A fool’s voice is known by a multitude of words—Keep your vows—Riches and wealth are the gift of God.
6. Unless a man’s soul is filled with good, his riches, wealth, honor, and posterity are vanity.


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Day 124

Proverbs 24; Proverbs 25; Proverbs 26; Proverbs 27; Proverbs 28; Proverbs 29

24. In a multitude of counselors there is safety—Fret not yourself because of evil men—It is not good to show partiality in judgment.
25. Boast not of false gifts—Give food and drink to your enemy.
26. Honor is not fitting for a fool—Answer not a fool according to his folly—Where there is no talebearer, the strife ceases.
27. Let another man praise you—A prudent man foresees evil—Hell and destruction are never full.
28. The wicked flee when no man pursues—Whoever walks uprightly will be saved—A faithful man will abound with blessings.
29. When the wicked rule, the people mourn—The righteous consider the cause of the poor—A fool speaks all that is in his mind—Where there is no vision, the people perish.


Monday, May 2, 2016

Day 123

Proverbs 19; Proverbs 20; Proverbs 21; Proverbs 22; Proverbs 23

19. A prudent wife is from the Lord—He who lends to the poor lends to the Lord—It is better to be a poor man than to be a liar.
20. Wine is a mocker, and strong drink is raging—Turn to the Lord, and he will save you.
21. Do righteousness and justice—Follow after righteousness and mercy—Safety comes from the Lord.
22. A good name is better than riches—Train up a child in the way he should go.
23. Labor not to be rich—As a man thinks in his heart, so is he—Withhold not correction from a child—Be not among drunkards.


Sunday, May 1, 2016

Day 122

Proverbs 13; Proverbs 14; Proverbs 15; Proverbs 16; Proverbs 17; Proverbs 18

13. The way of the transgressor is hard—Evil pursues sinners—He who does not discipline his children hates them.
14. Go from the presence of a foolish man—A true witness delivers souls—Righteousness exalts a nation.
15. A soft answer turns away wrath—A wise son makes a glad father—The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the Lord—Before honor comes humility.
16. It is better to get wisdom than gold—Pride goes before destruction—The gray hair of the righteous person is a crown of glory.
17. He who is glad at calamities will be punished—A friend loves at all times—Even a fool, when he holds his peace, is counted wise.
18. A fool’s mouth is his destruction—Whoever obtains a wife obtains a good thing—A man who has friends must show himself friendly.


Saturday, April 30, 2016

Day 121

Proverbs 6; Proverbs 7; Proverbs 8; Proverbs 9; Proverbs 10; Proverbs 11; Proverbs 12

6. Six things that the Lord hates are named—Those who commit adultery destroy their own souls. 7. An immoral woman leads a man to destruction as an ox to the slaughter—The house of an adulterous woman is the way to hell. 8. Wisdom is greatly to be desired—The Lord and the sons of men possessed wisdom in the premortal life. 9. Rebuke a wise man and he will love you—The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom—The guests of an immoral woman are in the depths of hell. 10. A wise son makes a glad father—The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life—He who utters slander is a fool—The desire of the righteous will be granted. 11. The state and rewards of the righteous and the wicked are contrasted—When a wicked man dies, his expectations perish—He who wins souls is wise. 12. A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband—The way of a fool is right in his own eyes—Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord.


Friday, April 29, 2016

Day 120

Psalms 147; Psalms 148; Psalms 149; Psalms 150 

147. Praise the Lord for his power—His understanding is infinite—He sends his commandments, his word, his statutes, and his judgments unto Israel. 148. Let all things praise the Lord: men and angels, the heavenly bodies, the elements and the earth, and all things thereon. 149. Praise the Lord in the congregation of the Saints—He will beautify the meek with salvation. 150. Praise God in his sanctuary—Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Proverbs 1Proverbs 2Proverbs 3Proverbs 4Proverbs 5

1. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge—If sinners entice you, do not consent—Those who hearken to wisdom will dwell safely. 2. The Lord gives wisdom, knowledge, and understanding—Walk in the way of good men. 3. Write mercy and truth upon the tablet of your heart—Trust in the Lord—Honor him with your substance—Whom the Lord loves he corrects—Happy is the man who finds wisdom. 4. Keep the Lord’s commandments and live—With all your getting, get understanding—Go not in the way of evil men. 5. Those who associate with immoral women will go down to hell—Rejoice with the wife of your youth.


Thursday, April 28, 2016

Day 119

Psalms 135; Psalms 136; Psalms 137; Psalms 138; Psalms 139; Psalms 140;  
Psalms 141; Psalms 142; Psalms 143; Psalms 144; Psalms 145; Psalms 146

135. Praise and bless the Lord—Our Lord is above all gods; idols cannot see, hear, or speak. 136. Give thanks unto God for all things, for his mercy endures forever. 137. A Psalm of David. While in captivity, the Jews wept by the rivers of Babylon—Because of sorrow, they could not bear to sing the songs of Zion. 138. To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. David praises the Lord for his loving kindness and truth—He worships toward the holy temple. 139. To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. David says that the Lord knows all man’s thoughts and doings—He asks, Where can man go to escape from the spirit and presence of the Lord?—Man is fearfully and wonderfully made. 140. A Psalm of David. David prays for deliverance from his enemies—The Lord maintains the cause of the poor and afflicted. 141. Maschil [a psalm of instruction] of David; A Prayer when he was in the cave. David pleads with the Lord to hear his prayers—The reproof of the righteous is a kindness. 142. A Psalm of David. David prays for preservation from his persecutors. 143. A Psalm of David. David prays for favor in judgment—He meditates on the Lord’s works and trusts in him. 144. David’s Psalm of praise. David blesses the Lord for deliverance and temporal prosperity—Happy is that people whose God is the Lord. 145. David proclaims the greatness and majesty of God—The Lord is good to all—His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom—He is near to all who call upon him, and he preserves those who love him. 146. Happy are they whose hope is in the Lord—The Lord frees the prisoners, loves the righteous, and reigns forever.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Day 118

Psalms 120; Psalms 121; Psalms 122; Psalms 123; Psalms 124; Psalms 125; Psalms 126; Psalms 127; Psalms 128; Psalms 129; Psalms 130; Psalms 131; Psalms 132; Psalms 133; Psalms 134

120. A Song of degrees. Call upon the Lord when in distress. 121. A Song of degrees of David. Help comes from the Lord—He is the guardian of Israel. 122. A Song of degrees. David says, Go into the house of the Lord—Give thanks unto him. 123. A Song of degrees of David. Lift up your eyes unto the Lord, and plead with him for mercy. 124. A Song of degrees. David says, Israel’s help is in the name of the Lord. 125. A Song of degrees. Blessed are they who trust in the Lord—Peace will be upon Israel. 126. A Song of degrees for Solomon. The Lord has done great things for his people, Israel. 127. A Song of degrees. Children are a heritage from the Lord. 128. A Song of degrees. Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways. 129. A Song of degrees. The Lord is righteous—Let those be confounded who hate Zion. 130. A Song of degrees of David. O Lord, hear our prayers, forgive iniquity, and redeem Israel. 131. A Song of degrees. David says, Let Israel hope in the Lord forever. 132. A Song of degrees of David. A messianic psalm—Of the fruit of David’s loins will the Lord set One upon his throne—The Lord will bless Zion, and her Saints will shout for joy. 133. A Song of degrees. David says, It is pleasant for brethren to dwell together in unity! 134. Bless the Lord, and he will bless you.


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Day 117

Psalms 113; Psalms 114; Psalms 115; Psalms 116; Psalms 117; Psalms 118; Psalms 119

113. Blessed be the name of the Lord—Who is like unto the Lord our God? 114. The Lord governs the sea and the land for the blessing of his people. 115. Our God is in the heavens—Idols are false gods—Trust in the Lord. 116. Gracious is the Lord, and righteous—Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints. 117. Praise the Lord for his mercy and truth. 118. A messianic psalm—Let all Israel say of the Lord, His mercy endures forever—The Stone that the builders refused is become the headstone of the corner—Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. 119. A Song of degrees.


Monday, April 25, 2016

Day 116

Psalms 105; Psalms 106; Psalms 107; Psalms 108; Psalms 109; Psalms 110; Psalms 111; Psalms 112

105. Make the Lord’s doings known among all men—Show his covenant with Abraham and his dealings with Israel—Touch not his anointed, and do his prophets no harm—Israel is to observe his statutes and keep his laws. 106. Praise the Lord for his mercy and mighty works—Israel rebelled and did wickedly—Moses mediated between Israel and the Lord—Israel was scattered and slain for worshiping false gods. 107. A Song or Psalm of David. The people of Israel are to praise and thank the Lord when they are gathered and redeemed—Oh, that men would praise the Lord!—The Lord’s providences prevail in the lives of men. 108. To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. David praises and exalts God—Judah, through Christ, is the Lord’s lawgiver. 109. A Psalm of David. David speaks of the cursings due to the wicked and deceitful—He prays that his enemies will be confounded. 110. A messianic psalm of David—Christ will sit on the Lord’s right hand—He will be a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. 111. The Lord is gracious and full of compassion—Holy and reverend is his name—The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. 112. Blessed is the man who fears the Lord—The righteous will be remembered always.


Sunday, April 24, 2016

Day 115

Psalms 94; Psalms 95; Psalms 96; Psalms 97; Psalms 98; Psalms 99;  
Psalms 100; Psalms 101; Psalms 102; Psalms 103; Psalms 104

94. The Lord will judge the earth and all men—Blessed is he whom the Lord teaches and chastens—The Lord will not forsake his people, but he will cut off the wicked. 95. Let us sing unto the Lord—Let us worship and bow down before him—Israel provoked the Lord and failed to enter into his rest. 96. Sing praises unto the Lord—Declare his name among the nations—Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness—He comes to judge his people and the world. 97. A Psalm. The Lord reigns in millennial glory—The hills melt at his presence—Those who love the Lord hate evil. 98. Sing unto the Lord—All the ends of the earth will see his salvation—He comes to judge all men with equity and righteousness. 99. A Psalm of praise. The Lord is great in Zion—Exalt the Lord and worship at his footstool, for he is holy. 100. A Psalm of David. A psalm of praise—Serve the Lord with gladness, all who are his people—Be thankful unto him and bless his name. 101. A Prayer of the afflicted, when he is overwhelmed, and poureth out his complaint before the Lord. David sings of mercy and justice—He will forsake the company of evildoers. 102. A Psalm of David. A prayer of the afflicted—Zion will be built up when the Lord appears in his glory—Though the heaven and earth perish, the Lord who created them will endure forever. 103. David exhorts the Saints to bless the Lord for his mercy—The Lord is merciful unto those who keep his commandments. 104. The Lord is clothed with honor and majesty—He makes his angels spirits and his ministers a flaming fire—Through his providence he sustains all forms of life—His glory endures forever.


Saturday, April 23, 2016

Day 114

Psalms 84; Psalms 85; Psalms 86; Psalms 87; Psalms 88;  
Psalms 89; Psalms 90; Psalms 91; Psalms 92; Psalms 93

84. To the chief Musician, A Psalm for the sons of Korah. The righteous cry unto the living God—It is better to be a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord than to dwell in the tents of wickedness—No good thing is withheld from those who walk uprightly. 85. A Prayer of David. The Lord speaks peace to his people—Truth will spring out of the earth (the Book of Mormon), and righteousness will look down from heaven. 86. A Psalm or Song for the sons of Korah. David implores God for mercy and is saved from the lowest hell—The Lord is good and generous in mercy—All nations will worship before him. 87. A Song or Psalm for the sons of Korah, to the chief Musician upon Mahalath Leannoth, Maschil of Heman the Ezrahite. The Lord loves the gates of Zion, and he himself will establish Zion. 88. Maschil of Ethan the Ezrahite. A prayer of one who feels forsaken and who asks whether the Lord’s loving kindness will be declared in the grave. 89. A Prayer of Moses the man of God. A messianic psalm—A song setting forth the mercy, greatness, justice, and righteousness of the Holy One of Israel—David’s seed and throne (through Christ) will be established forever—God’s Firstborn will be made higher than the kings of the earth. 90. A prayer of Moses, the man of God—God is from everlasting to everlasting—Man’s days last but 70 years—Moses implores the Lord to give mercy and blessings to his people. 91. A Psalm or Song for the sabbath day. A messianic psalm—The Lord will deliver the Messiah from terror, pestilence, and war—He will give his angels charge over him, deliver him, and honor him. 92. A psalm or song for the Sabbath day—Give thanks unto the Lord—His enemies will perish—The righteous will flourish—There is no unrighteousness in the Lord. 93. The Lord reigns—He is from everlasting—Holiness adorns the house of the Lord forever.


Friday, April 22, 2016

Day 113

Psalms 77; Psalms 78; Psalms 79; Psalms 80; Psalms 81; Psalms 82; Psalms 83

77. Maschil [a psalm of instruction] of Asaph. The righteous cry unto the Lord—They remember the wonders of old, how he redeemed the sons of Jacob and led Israel like a flock. 78. A Psalm of Asaph. The Israelites are to teach the Lord’s law to their children—Disobedient Israel provoked the Lord in the wilderness—The Egyptian plagues are recounted—The Lord chooses and blesses Judah and David. 79. To the chief Musician upon Shoshannim-Eduth, A Psalm of Asaph. The heathen nations destroy Jerusalem and defile the temple—Israel pleads for forgiveness and deliverance. 80. To the chief Musician upon Gittith, A Psalm of Asaph. Israel pleads with the Shepherd of Israel for deliverance, for salvation, and for his face to shine upon them. 81. A Psalm of Asaph. Israel is commanded to sing praises to the Lord—If the Israelites had walked in the Lord’s ways, they would have triumphed over their enemies. 82. A Song or Psalm of Asaph. Thus says the Lord, Ye are gods and children of the Most High. 83. To the chief Musician upon Gittith, A Psalm for the sons of Korah. God is asked to confound the enemies of his people—Jehovah is the Most High over all the earth.


Thursday, April 21, 2016

Day 112

Psalms 68; Psalms 69; Psalms 70; Psalms 71; Psalms 72;  
Psalms 73; Psalms 74; Psalms 75; Psalms 76

68. To the chief Musician upon Shoshannim, A Psalm of David. A messianic psalm of David—He extols Jah—The Lord gave the word—He takes captivity captive—He delivers us from death—Sing praises unto the Lord. 69. To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David, to bring to remembrance. A messianic psalm of David—The zeal of the Lord’s house has eaten him up—Reproach has broken his heart—He is given gall and vinegar to drink—He is persecuted—He will save Zion. 70. David proclaims, Let God be magnified. 71. A Psalm for Solomon. David praises God with thanksgiving—Who is like unto the Lord! 72. A Psalm of Asaph. David speaks of Solomon, who is made a type of Christ—He will have dominion—His name will endure forever—All nations will call him blessed—The whole earth will be filled with his glory. 73. Maschil [a psalm of instruction] of Asaph. God is good to Israel—The wicked and ungodly prosper in this world—They will be consumed with terrors hereafter—Those who trust in the Lord will be received up unto glory. 74. To the chief Musician, Al-taschith, A Psalm or Song of Asaph. O God, remember thy chosen congregation—The wicked destroy the sanctuary and burn the synagogues—O God, remember them for their deeds, and save thy people. 75. To the chief Musician on Neginoth, A Psalm or Song of Asaph. The righteous praise and thank the God of Jacob—They will be exalted—God is the judge, and the wicked will be condemned. 76. To the chief Musician, to Jeduthun, A Psalm of Asaph. God is known in Judah and dwells in Zion—He will save the meek of the earth.


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Day 111

Psalms 56; Psalms 57; Psalms 58; Psalms 59; Psalms 60; Psalms 61;  
Psalms 62; Psalms 63; Psalms 64; Psalms 65; Psalms 66; Psalms 67

56. To the chief Musician, Al-taschith, Michtam of David, when he fled from Saul in the cave. David seeks mercy, trusts in and praises the Lord, and thanks him for deliverance. 57. To the chief Musician, Al-taschith, Michtam of David. David pleads for mercy and acclaims the glory and exaltation of God. 58. To the chief Musician, Al-taschith, Michtam of David; when Saul sent, and they watched the house to kill him. David reproves wicked judges—They go astray and speak lies. 59. To the chief Musician upon Shushaneduth, Michtam of David, to teach; when he strove with Aram-naharaim and with Aram-zobah, when Joab returned, and smote of Edom in the valley of salt twelve thousand. David prays to be delivered from his enemies—God rules in Jacob unto the ends of the earth. 60. To the chief Musician upon Neginah, A Psalm of David. David says that the Lord has scattered his people—The Lord places Ephraim at the head and makes Judah his lawgiver. 61. To the chief Musician, to Jeduthun, A Psalm of David. David finds shelter in the Lord, abides in his presence, and keeps his own vows. 62. A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah. David praises God as his defense, his rock, and his salvation—The Lord judges men according to their works. 63. To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. David thirsts for God, whom he praises with joyful lips. 64. To the chief Musician, A Psalm and Song of David. David prays for safety—The righteous will be glad in heart. 65. To the chief Musician, A Song or Psalm. David speaks of the blessedness of God’s chosen—The Lord sends rain and good things upon the earth. 66. To the chief Musician on Neginoth, A Psalm or Song. Praise and worship the Lord—He tests and tries men—Sacrifices are to be offered in his house. 67. To the chief Musician, A Psalm or Song of David. A messianic psalm—The Lord will cause his face to shine upon men—He will judge and govern in righteousness.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Day 110

Psalms 44; Psalms 45; Psalms 46; Psalms 47; Psalms 48; Psalms 49
Psalms 50; Psalms 51; Psalms 52; Psalms 53; Psalms 54; Psalms 55

44. To the chief Musician upon Shoshannim, for the sons of Korah, Maschil, A Song of loves. The Saints praise the Lord and boast in his name forever—They are persecuted, maligned, and considered as sheep for the slaughter. 45. To the chief Musician for the sons of Korah, A Song upon Alamoth. A messianic psalm—The Messiah is fairer than the children of men—He is anointed with the oil of gladness above his fellows—His name will be remembered in all generations. 46. To the chief Musician, A Psalm for the sons of Korah. God is our refuge and strength—He dwells in his city, does marvelous things, and says, Be still and know that I am God. 47. A Song and Psalm for the sons of Korah. The Lord is King over all the earth—Sing praises to his name, for he reigns over all. 48. To the chief Musician, A Psalm for the sons of Korah. Zion, the city of God, the joy of the whole earth, will be established forever. 49. A Psalm of Asaph. Men cannot be ransomed or redeemed by wealth—God alone can redeem a soul from the grave—The glory of a rich man ceases with his death. 50. To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David, when Nathan the prophet came unto him, after he had gone in to Bath-sheba. Asaph speaks of the Second Coming—The Lord accepts the sacrifices of the righteous and will deliver them—Those whose conduct is right will see the salvation of God. 51. To the chief Musician, Maschil, A Psalm of David, when Doeg the Edomite came and told Saul, and said unto him, David is come to the house of Ahimelech. David pleads for forgiveness after he went in to Bathsheba—He pleads, Create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me. 52. To the chief Musician upon Mahalath, Maschil, A Psalm of David. David says that wicked tongues devise mischief and the wicked trust in riches—The Saints trust in the mercy of God forever. 53. To the chief Musician on Neginoth, Maschil, A Psalm of David, when the Ziphims came and said to Saul, Doth not David hide himself with us? David says, The fool says there is no God—There is none who does good—Gathered Israel will rejoice. 54. To the chief Musician on Neginoth, Maschil, A Psalm of David. David pleads for salvation and promises to serve God. 55. To the chief Musician upon Jonath-elem-rechokim, Michtam of David, when the Philistines took him in Gath. David prays morning, noon, and night—He seeks protection and help against his enemies.
