Friday, March 22, 2013

• Judah’s Return to Wickedness -- Comments on 2 Kings 21–25

"By now it is a familiar theme. It has been heard again and again from the prophets: 'Repent or perish! Turn to God or face your enemies alone.' Israel heard it and ignored it. They went to destruction. But even more tragic is the story of Judah. Judah heeded the cry of the Lord’s servants and was delivered from Assyria in a most dramatic way. But they were like someone who, snatched from the path of a speeding train, jumps in front of a moving truck. The lesson of deliverance was quickly forgotten. Idol worship was begun again, and Babylon became the Lord’s instrument of punishment. As Mormon noted, affliction seems the only way the Lord’s children learn (see Helaman 12:1–5), so Judah was enrolled in the bitter school of experience."

This is the introduction to the notes and commentary on 2 Kings 21–25 in the church educational system's institute course on the Old Testament. If you wish to read this, please click on this link.


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