Monday, June 24, 2013

Additional Study Material - "I Am the Way"

During the next sixty days we'll be reading the New Testament which is a collection of inspired writings about the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, the Apostles, and other followers of Jesus Christ.

The four Gospels—the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—are accounts of the life of Christ. They are not so much biographies as they are testimonies. They do not reveal a day-by-day story of the life of Jesus; rather, they tell who Jesus was, what He said, what He did, and why it was important.

The book of Acts records the history of the Church and the Apostles, especially Paul’s missionary travels, after Christ’s death. Paul’s letters give instruction to Church leaders and members. The other letters were written by other Apostles and give additional counsel to the early saints. The book of Revelation, which was written by the Apostle John, contains mostly prophecies pertaining to the last days.

Because of the structure of the New Testament attempting to read it as a chronology of the early Christian church would present a challenge that I am not prepared to meet independently. Therefore the reading and study of this book will be presented in two parallel groups of assignments. One, a reading of the New Testament from Matthew chapter one to Revelation chapter twenty-two; the other, a study course from the LDS Church Educational System, The Life and Teachings of Jesus and His Apostles. However, since the original intent of this blog was to present a schedule to accomplish the actual reading of the scriptures in a year's time, I would encourage you to do the former and if time permits then the latter, i.e., use the study material.

With that said, here is the first of the links to the study material: “I Am the Way”


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