Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 164

Daniel 6; Daniel 7; Daniel 8; Daniel 9

Darius makes Daniel the first of his presidents. Daniel worships the Lord in defiance of a decree of Darius. He is cast into the den of lions. His faith saves him, and Darius decrees that all people are to revere the God of Daniel. Daniel sees four beasts representing the kingdoms of men. He sees the ancient of days (Adam) to whom the Son of Man (Christ) will come. The kingdom will be given to the Saints forever. Daniel sees in vision a ram (Media and Persia), a goat (Greece), four other kings, and then, in the last days, a fierce king who will destroy the holy people. This king will be broken when he stands up against the Prince of Princes. Daniel fasts, confesses, and prays for all Israel. Gabriel reveals the time of the coming of the Messiah, who will make reconciliation for iniquity. The Messiah will be cut off.


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