Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 168

Amos 1; Amos 2; Amos 3; Amos 4; Amos 5; Amos 6; Amos 7

Amos shows the Lord’s judgments upon Syria, the Philistines, Tyre, Edom, and Ammon. The Lord will pour out judgments upon Moab, Judah, and Israel for their unrighteousness. The Lord reveals his secrets unto his servants the prophets. Because Israel rejects the prophets and follows evil, the nation is overwhelmed by an adversary. The Lord withholds rain, sends famine and pestilence, and destroys gardens and vineyards as judgments upon his people, yet they do not return unto the Lord. The people of Israel are exhorted to seek the Lord and do good so that they may live. Their sacrifices to false gods are abhorrent. Woe to them who are at ease in Zion. Israel will be plagued with desolation. Amos relates how he was called of God to be a prophet. He prophesies the captivity of Israel.


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