Monday, July 1, 2013

Additional Study Material - “Be Ye Therefore Perfect”

Have you given much thought as to what your ultimate goal is? How does it make you feel when you read these words of Jesus: “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect”? (Matthew 5:48.) Your divine potential is to become like your Father in heaven, perfect and without sin.

Perfection is a word that causes different reactions from many people. Some people say, “Perfection? Why, that is impossible!” Others say, “Perfection? I get discouraged just thinking about it!”

Yet, would the Lord give us a commandment that was impossible for us to keep? And when he gives a commandment, doesn’t he, as Nephi said, prepare a way for us to accomplish what he commands? The Sermon on the Mount is the Lord’s blueprint for perfection.


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