Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Day 41

Deuteronomy 11; Deuteronomy 12; Deuteronomy 13; Deuteronomy 14; Deuteronomy 15; Deuteronomy 16

Thou shalt love and obey the Lord thy God—If the children of Israel obey, they will be blessed with rain and harvests and will drive out mighty nations—Israel must learn God’s laws and teach them—Blessings flow from obedience; cursings attend disobedience. Israel is to destroy the Canaanite gods and places of worship—The Lord will designate where his people will worship—The eating of blood is forbidden—Israel’s worship must conform to the divine standard. The Lord tests his people to see if they will worship false gods—Prophets, dreamers, relatives, or friends who advocate worship of false gods will be put to death—Idolatrous cities will be destroyed. The Israelites are children of the Lord Jehovah—Unclean beasts, fish, and fowl are not to be eaten—The Israelites are to tithe all the increase of their seed annually. Every seven years, all debts are to be released—The people are admonished to care for the poor—Hebrew servants are to be released and given gifts during the seventh year—The firstling males of herds and flocks are the Lord’s. Israel is to keep the Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Tabernacles—All males are to appear annually before the Lord at these three feasts—Judges are not to make dishonest judgments nor take gifts.

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