Monday, February 15, 2016

Day 46

Deuteronomy 33; Deuteronomy 34; Joshua 1; Joshua 2; Joshua 3; Joshua 4

Moses blesses the tribes of Israel. Levi is blessed to teach the Lord’s judgments and his law. Joseph is blessed above all; he will gather Israel in the latter days. Israel will triumph. Moses sees the promised land and is taken by the Lord. Joshua leads Israel. Moses was Israel’s greatest prophet. The Lord speaks to Joshua. He is commanded to be of good courage, to meditate upon the law, and to keep the commandments. He prepares Israel to enter Canaan. Joshua sends spies to Jericho. They are received and concealed by Rahab. They promise to preserve Rahab and her household. Joshua leads Israel to the Jordan. The Lord cuts off the water of the Jordan; it stands up as a heap, and Israel passes over on dry ground. Joshua places twelve stones to commemorate the crossing of the Jordan. Joshua is magnified before the children of Israel as they cross the Jordan. After the priests bearing the ark pass over, the river returns to its course.

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