“Isaiah was one of the mightiest seers of all time. Undoubtedly he was one of those the Prophet Joseph Smith had in mind when he said: 'Search the revelations of God; study the prophecies, and rejoice that God grants unto the world Seers and Prophets. They are they who saw the mysteries of godliness; they saw the flood before it came; they saw angels ascending and descending upon a ladder that reached from earth to heaven; they saw the stone cut out of the mountain, which filled the whole earth; they saw the son of God come from the regions of bliss and dwell with men on earth; they saw the deliverer come out of Zion, and turn away ungodliness from Jacob; they saw the glory of the Lord when he showed the transfiguration of the earth on the mount; they saw every mountain laid low and every valley exalted when the Lord was taking vengeance upon the wicked; they saw truth spring out of the earth, and righteousness look down from heaven in the last days, before the Lord came the second time to gather his elect; they saw the end of wickedness on earth, and the Sabbath of creation crowned with peace; they saw the end of the glorious thousand years, when Satan was loosed for a little season; they saw the day of judgment when all men received according to their works, and they saw the heaven and the earth flee away to make room for the city of God, when the righteous receive an inheritance in eternity. And, fellow sojourners upon earth, it is your privilege to purify yourselves and come up to the same glory, and see for yourselves, and know yourselves.' (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pp. 12–13.)
“A clear and dramatic shift in emphasis takes place in Isaiah 24 . There, Isaiah’s seership becomes profoundly evident as he looks forward in time to the final dispensation.
“When you consider the scope of Isaiah’s vision and its application for all generations of men, it is not surprising that Jesus Himself said, 'Great are the words of Isaiah' and commanded that we should 'search these things diligently' (3 Nephi 23:1).
“Did you notice Joseph Smith’s final statement in the quotation above? He said, 'It is your privilege to . . . see for yourselves, and know for yourselves' all the things the seers have seen. One way to do that is by carefully studying the writings of the seers. Strive to see what Isaiah saw as you study this very significant part of his words.”
This is the introduction to the notes and commentary on Isaiah chapters 24–35 in the church educational system's institute course on the Old Testament. If you wish to read this, please click on this link.
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