Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The God of Israel and the Nations: Comments on Isaiah 36–47

"This chapter deals with events in Judah during the reign of King Hezekiah that were the prelude to the Babylonian captivity. It treats the captivity period, including the hope for the promised Messiah. Isaiah dramatized the utter futility of trusting in man-made gods and revealed both Judah’s future deliverance from bondage and the destruction of the Babylon that had been Judah’s oppressor.

"Although some claim that Isaiah 40 and the chapters that follow were written by different authors, Isaiah merely shifted from a mix of prose and poetry to a more completely poetic style. These later chapters use his typical words and expressions. Further, his authorship is attested by modern revelation."

This is the introduction to the notes and commentary on Isaiah chapters 36-47 in the church educational system's institute course on the Old Testament. If you wish to read this, please click on this link.


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